Lets Study at ADTEC Taiping. New Intake now open.
Advanced Techonlogy Training Center (ADTEC) Taiping located in Kamunting, Perak is one of the 32 JTM training institutes run by the Manpower Department (JTM), the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR). ADTEC Taiping was approved in RMK 8 and was built on Lot PT 15643, Kamunting Raya, Mukim of Asam Kumbang, Larut Matang District, Perak Darul Ridzuan. ADTEC Taiping was submitted to JTM on May 13, 2009 upon completion of construction.
ADTEC Taiping offers seven (7) full-time courses of DIPLOMA in MALAYSIA SKILLS namely Mechatronics, Quality Assurance, Computer, Microelectronics, Ceramic, Polymer and Composite.