Arduino Basic Course at King Edward VII National School (1) Taiping involves 4 ADTEC Taiping teachers from the Division of Mechatronic Technology.
SIRI 1 - (October 15, 2019) Involves 16 Year 6 students
SIRI 2 - (October 16, 2019) Involves 16 Year 6 students
SIRI 3 - (October 17, 2019) Involves 15 Year 6 students
The program is aimed to exposing programming and coding to the students. Hopefully it will encourage the student to learnand and masterd the programming skills. Thanks to SK King Edward VII (1) Taiping for accepting and inviting us to share our knowledge.
#adtectaiping # SKEdwardVII1Taiping #KETaiping #arduino #coding #programmimg #MekatronikADTECTaiping #TVET #JomCourse #KJP